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- Chenell Parker
A Trillion to One Page 6
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Page 6
“I won’t bother you your first night home but I’ll call you tomorrow,” Stacy said as she hugged Amore.
“Call me whenever you want to,” Amore replied before getting into the car and leaving with her people.
“You want something to eat fam?” AJ asked as he looked at Amore through the rearview mirror.
“Nah, I’m good. I had some leftovers from work that I just ate. That’s all I do is eat,” Amore replied as she rubbed her toned stomach. She’d always had a shape but Amore was a brick house now. She worked out faithfully when she was locked up and it definitely paid off.
“Bitch, them niggas gone be on your big fine ass,” Chanell laughed while looking back at her.
“Shit, my boy Gene is already waiting for that ass. That nigga saw them pictures you sent us and went crazy,” AJ laughed.
“All your boy and any other nigga out here can give me is some dick. I’m good on love and relationships. Fuck me good and leave me the fuck alone,” Amore replied.
“I know that’s right cousin,” Chanell said.
“The fuck you co-signing that stupid ass shit for? You already got a man.” AJ frowned while looking at Chanell.
“I know baby but I’m talking about Amore. After Viper, I don’t even blame her for not wanting another man right now,” Chanell said.
“Bitch, I don’t want another man ever,” Amore corrected.
“Oh no cousin. Not you too. First Dallas switched over to the other side and now you. Am I the only one who didn’t go to jail and fall in love with hoes?” Chanell questioned.
“Let me rephrase that. I don’t want another relationship. A bitch can’t do nothing for me and all a nigga can do is fuck me. I’m good on settling down and shit. And let’s not pretend that we didn’t see that in Dallas years ago. She was always more interested in females,” Amore pointed out.
“Yeah, that’s true. I don’t know where that bitch be finding all these ugly hoes from. I don’t give a fuck if she’s a lesbian but at least find a pretty bitch.” Chanell frowned.
“What’s up with Meadow? I know you said you saw her a while ago but you haven’t said anything else since then,” Amore said.
“Fuck Meadow. That bitch be acting like she didn’t grow up in the same house as us. She got a lil boutique uptown and she think she’s better than everybody. I should go in there and steal all her shit,” Chanell fussed.
“Calm your kleptomaniac ass down,” AJ said as he looked over at her.
“Did y’all even get a chance to talk?” Amore asked.
“Not really. That bitch was with her friends and acting brand new. She said she moved to Atlanta with some man once she left here. I guess shit didn’t work out because she’s back. I tried to hug her and she acted like I had shit on me or something. She’s definitely not the same Meadow who used to pickpocket niggas in the Quarters,” Chanell answered.
“Oh well, fuck her too. I’m matching the same energy that these hoes give me. I’m not doing no more for nobody than they do for me,” Amore said.
“I hope we run into that bitch who used to live across the hall from you too. That hoe can catch these hands on sight.” Chanell frowned while referring to Ciara.
While locked up, Amore found out a whole lot about her girl. Apparently, Ciara and Viper had been fucking around right under Amore and Logan’s noses for a few months. That explained why Ciara was more upset than she was when they saw Viper with another bitch. Viper was the one who told Ciara to fall back from hanging with her. Amore felt bad for how she handled Logan that day in the hallway. She thought he was the one getting in Vaughn’s ear but she was wrong. It was his girlfriend reporting her every move to Viper the entire time. Amore ignored the jealous looks and snide remarks that Ciara always made but it all made sense to her now. Logan found out not too long before they went to jail and that also explained why he fell back too. He wrote Amore a long letter and told her everything. He tried to work things out with Ciara but he left her alone when he found out that she had started visiting Viper in jail. Amore didn’t feel no kind of way about it and she was happy that it was all over with.
“Fuck that bitch too,” Amore replied after a long pause.
“We’re going out tomorrow night cousin. AJ’s friend is having a party and we’re in the building,” Chanell informed her.
“That’s cool but I need to get something decent to wear,” Amore replied. Stacy had helped her open a bank account and, sadly, it was Amore’s first one. It was sad that she was twenty-three years old and didn’t even know the basics.
“We can hit up the mall once we get all your stuff put away,” Chanell said.
“Yeah, and I’m coming too,” AJ replied as he looked at her.
“For what? Damn. A bitch can’t even go shopping in peace,” Chanell argued.
“That’s because you never go in there and buy nothing. That back and forth to jail shit is over with Chanell. We’ve done that enough and I’m tired of it. We both have jobs now and I’m trying to do shit right,” AJ fussed.
“You call building up somebody else’s dream a job Amir?” Chanell asked, calling him by his real name.
Chanell was a beast at baking and decorating cakes now. She learned all that she needed to know when she was locked up and she wasted no time putting her skills to use. She worked in a local bakery and she hated it. She hated that she was helping someone else build their dreams when she had dreams of her own. Chanell did a few jobs off the clock but she wanted to be her own boss. She didn’t have all the tools that she needed to work from home and that was the only thing that was stopping her. The job didn’t really pay much but it was something. AJ paid all of the bills and Chanell took care of the household necessities. He made good money as a welder and he was content.
“Just be patient baby. Everything takes time. Shit doesn’t happen overnight when you do it the legal way,” AJ replied.
“Don’t trip cousin. You can have my whole paycheck for as long as you need it. You got skills and you deserve to be your own boss,” Amore said.
“Aww. I love you, cousin. I’m so happy that you’re home,” Chanell said as she reached her hand out for Amore to grab.
“Me too.” Amore smiled.
“But, save your money boo. I might need you to bail me out of jail when I shoot his ex bitch,” Chanell said while looking over at AJ.
He was serious about leaving his girl alone and being with Chanell. As soon as she got released from jail, AJ packed up all his shit and that’s exactly what he did. He and Chanell lived with his brother for a while until they were able to get a place of their own. AJ’s ex-girlfriend, Sonya, just couldn’t let go. She was always going to Chanell’s job starting mess and they’d fought more times than she could count. Chanell was tired of beating her ass and she was over it.
“Don’t even start that dumb shit. Fuck Sonya. She already knew what it was when you got released,” AJ replied.
When they pulled up to the apartments, AJ got out of the car and immediately started grabbing Amore’s bags. Amore smiled when she walked into the clean, modernly decorated apartment. Her room was the last one down the hall and it was just as nice as the rest of the house.
“I know you’re on the list for your own place cuz but you’re welcome to stay here as long as you want to,” AJ said as he carried the last of Amore’s things into the room.
“Thanks AJ. I appreciate that.” Amore smiled. When he walked away, Chanell came into the room to help her cousin get settled. Once they had everything put away, Amore took a shower and put on some better clothes.
“I need to shake his ass so we can hit up the mall,” Chanell whispered to her.
“Why? I don’t mind if he comes with us,” Amore replied.
“Yeah, but I do. Bitch, I don’t be spending my money in none of these stores. I be on my five finger discount shit. If it wasn’t for him watching me so damn much, I could have been had all the shit for doing all my baking at home. That nigga be holding me back,”
Chanell fussed.
“He is not holding you back. He loves you and you should be happy that you got a man who actually cares. I have money to buy me something nice to wear,” Amore noted.
“And you’re gonna keep it. Let’s go. Maybe we can go to the Dominicans and get a wash and blowout too. Your hair grew long as fuck,” Chanell said as she touched her cousin’s natural tresses.
“I know. Shit, I haven’t had a relaxer in three years,” Amore replied as she followed her out of the room.
Chanell got excited when she saw AJ’s car keys sitting on the kitchen counter. He was in the bathroom and it was the perfect time for them to leave. Amore looked on in confusion, as Chanell grabbed a roll of aluminum foil from the cabinet and two big shopping bags.
“Come on bitch,” Chanell whispered as she hurriedly grabbed the keys and rushed out of the apartment. Amore sprinted out right behind her and softly closed the door. She expected to see AJ running out after them but they had gotten into the car and pulled off before he even realized that they were gone.
“B itch, you look good as fuck!” Chanell yelled as she looked at Amore.
The nude colored backless dress that Amore wore looked like it was painted on. The blush colored strappy heels and accessories set the outfit off just right. Amore’s hair was flat ironed bone straight and it was even longer than Chanell assumed. The girl at the MAC counter did a great job with their makeup and it was light and natural. Amore hadn’t dressed up in a long time and it felt good to not be in work clothes all the time.
“Thanks cousin. You look amazing too,” Amore replied.
“Yeah, both of y’all look good in them eight hundred dollar dresses that she stole.” AJ frowned as he looked over at Chanell.
They had been arguing since they came back from the mall the day before. Amore thought that they were gonna go into Macy’s or Dillard’s, but Chanell had stepped up her game over the years. Amore was scared to death when her cousin walked into Saks like they had that kind of money. Chanell was a pro and Amore was amazed. Her cousin took the huge bags that she got from home and lined them with the aluminum foil. Chanell didn’t even bother trying to pop the tags off of anything. She just threw it all in the bags and walked out like it was nothing. Amore waited for the alarm to beep when they exited the store but that never happened. Chanell explained to her that foil basically deactivated the sensors and made it easier for her to do what she had to do. Amore was shocked once again when they got home and her cousin had a replica of the device that the stores used to remove the sensors. Chanell had taken over five thousand dollars’ worth of clothes in less than thirty minutes and Amore was impressed.
“Don’t start Amir. I see your ass is wearing that Gucci belt that I got for you though,” Chanell pointed out.
“You damn right I’m wearing it. It ain’t like I can bring the bitch back to the store,” he pointed out.
“Let’s go,” Chanell said as she grabbed her clutch and walked to the door.
Before she got locked up, Amore couldn’t remember the last time she got dressed up and went out for a night of fun. Viper was always with her when she went anywhere and there was nothing fun about that. AJ’s friend had rented a hall and was throwing himself a thirtieth birthday party. All of AJ’s friends were going to be there, including the one who was trying to get at Amore. She didn’t know how the man looked and she honestly didn’t care. As long as she got her nut at the end of the night, she was good. After three years, Amore was ready to dust the cobwebs off and fuck somebody into a coma.
“My boy Gene is already in here waiting on that ass,” AJ joked when they pulled up to their destination.
“Girl, he is fine too cousin,” Chanell smirked.
“What?” AJ quizzed as he looked over at her and frowned.
“Sorry baby. Nobody is sexier than you,” Chanell replied as she tried to save face. To her, that part was true. AJ was thick but he was the most handsome man that she’d ever laid eyes on. He favored Mike Epps and, sometimes, he was just as funny.
“I need a drink. Point me to the bar,” Amore said as soon as they walked into the building.
Loud music was playing and the place was packed. Most of the crowd was on the dance floor while a handful of them sat down and watched. The bar was crowded too but they seemed to be moving fast. Chanell decided to go with her cousin to the bar while AJ went to go find the birthday boy.
“This bitch is jumping,” Chanell observed as she looked around.
“It sure is,” Amore said while moving up in the line. It took about ten more minutes before she was able to order their drinks and the bartender wasn’t in a hurry for her to go. Chanell laughed as he flirted with her cousin while fixing their drinks. When he asked for Amore’s number, she was just about to comply with his request before someone walked up and interrupted.
“I wish you would give this nigga your number. You already got a man,” someone said while grabbing Amore around her waist. Granted, the man was handsome, but Amore had never seen him a day in her life.
“What’s up Gene?” Chanell smiled while giving AJ’s friend a hug.
“Ain’t shit. Just trying to see what’s up with my future wife,” Gene replied while looking at Amore. Her pictures didn’t do her justice. Amore was beautiful and he didn’t even try to stop staring at her. Her cocoa colored skin was flawless and her smile was even better. Amore’s body was sick and had him rocking up just by looking at her. The smile that she wore let him know that she was pleased with what she saw too.
“How can I have a man that I’ve never seen or met before?” Amore questioned as the bartender handed her and Chanell their drinks. He moved around and stopped flirting with her when Gene walked up.
“You didn’t see me but I damn sure saw you. And trust me, the pictures didn’t tell the whole story,” he replied while looking at her from head to toe. Even Amore’s feet were pretty and he was in love already.
“I’m going find AJ and let y’all talk. Call me if you need me, cousin,” Chanell said.
“Come on now fam. You know she’s good as long as she’s with me,” Gene noted before Chanell walked away.
“I need to sit down. I haven’t worn heels in a while and I’m not trying to do too much walking,” Amore said.
“Don’t worry about nothing baby. I’ll carry your pretty ass if you want me to,” Gene said, making Amore smile.
He was trying too hard but he really didn’t have to. He was getting the pussy all night and all morning if he wanted it. Truthfully, Amore was ready to leave the party and come up out of her dress whenever he was. Gene was nice to look at and he smelled good as hell. She didn’t want to seem too eager, so she sat there and made small talk with him about shit that she really didn’t care about. Amore wasn’t a hoe but she was in need after being away for three years. She had a brand new box of condoms in her purse and she was ready to use them all. Gene was on some touchy feely shit and Amore didn’t try to stop him.
“I’m trying to spend some time with you, beautiful. I know you’ve been gone for a minute, so you need to be reintroduced to some things. Three years ain’t long but it’s long enough,” Gene said as he rubbed Amore’s leg. She was on her third drink and the liquor had her feeling nice.
“What do you have in mind?” Amore asked flirtatiously.
“You trying to come home with me tonight or what?” Gene asked as he leaned in closer to her. His lips brushed against hers and Amore had to cross her legs at the ankles. His minty gum mixed with his expensive cologne had her ready to ride him right there where he sat.
“Let me text my cousin and tell her that I’m leaving,” Amore said as she tried to play it cool.
Once she sent Chanell a text, she followed Gene outside of the hall and to an all-black Malibu. He opened the door for her to get in and closed it once she was comfortably seated. Gene held her hand as he drove and told her about some of the places that he wanted to take her to. Amore wasn’t interested in a relationship and she
was hoping that he wasn’t either. She wasn’t like some women who needed the promise of forever. She was good with no strings attached sex and she didn’t catch feelings easily.
“Make yourself at home sweetheart. I have drinks in the fridge and snacks in the pantry,” Gene said as he pointed at everything.
“I’m good but I need to use the bathroom,” Amore replied. She was trying to shake the uneasy feeling that she was having but it just wouldn’t go away. The last time Amore felt like that was when the police ran up in their apartment and took her and Viper to jail. She kept telling herself that she was just being paranoid and tried her best to just go with the flow.
Once Gene showed her where the bathroom was, Amore wasted no time coming up out of her clothes. She kept her heels on but everything else remained in a pile on his bathroom floor. She grabbed the box of condoms from her purse and made her way back to the living room. Gene was busy trying to put some music on until he turned around and saw Amore standing there.
“Fuck!” he exclaimed as he looked at her body like the work of art that it was. Not many females looked better naked than with clothes on but that was definitely the case for Amore.
“I guess you like what you see,” Amore smirked as she looked over at him.
“Hell yeah.” Gene nodded as he walked closer to her.
Gene was never big on kissing but he plunged his tongue deep into Amore’s mouth. His hands explored her body as they both moaned in satisfaction. Amore moaned into his mouth when he slipped a finger inside of her. She opened her legs wider and grinded her hips to the rhythm that he had created. When he added another finger, Amore gasped and arched her back. She wrapped one of her legs around his body and held on tight as he fucked her with his fingers. Amore’s mouth was wide open but no sound was coming out. If Gene had her cumming with just his fingers, she couldn’t wait to see what he could do with his other manly parts. Just as she felt another orgasm building up, he pulled his fingers out of her and stuck them in his mouth.
“Damn,” he moaned, like she was the best thing that he’d ever tasted. He didn’t give Amore a chance to get right before he bent her over the chair and spread her legs wide.