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You're My Little Secret 2 Page 3
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“I probably would have if we ever used them.”
“So you’re saying that you and Dominic never used protection?” Kennedi asked with a heated expression on her face.
“I wouldn’t be three months pregnant if we did,” I shot back sarcastically.
“Y’all are trying to check the wrong one. You need to be checking that nigga,” Tiana said ready for a showdown.
Tiffany said something to her, and a screaming match began in the middle of the shoe department. I saw the sales lady pick up the phone so I knew that security would be coming in a minute.
“Let’s go Tiana. I’m not trying to go to jail messing with these stupid hoes,” I said to my friend who was still arguing with my brother’s ex. I grabbed her hand to leave when Tiffany stepped up and slapped me hard as hell across my face. I stood there in shock for a few seconds, but I quickly regained my composure and let loose on her ass. I threw so many licks so fast that I even hit Tiana when she tried to stop me from hitting her. I was waiting for Kennedi to jump in so I can show her just how I get down.
“Brooklyn, no! Did you forget that you’re pregnant?” Tiana screamed. Kennedi’s scary ass just stood there while I threw a barrage of vicious punches at her cousin.
“Get her off of me!” Tiffany screamed as she tried to cover her face. I never understood how a bitch could start a fight knowing damn well she couldn’t fight. Tiana pulled us apart just as the scrawny security guard made his way over to us. He’s older than my grandmother so there isn’t much he can do.
“Y’all have to leave the store, or the police will be called,” he told us nervously.
Tiana held my hand pulling me along to make sure I didn’t go after Tiffany again. I laughed as I watched her pick up the pieces of her tracks that I pulled from her scalp. Her lip was bleeding, and I could tell that her eye was already swelling up. She always called me a little scary bitch, so I was happy to prove her wrong. I can’t lie though, my face is stinging from when she slapped me. She really caught me off guard with that one.
“I’m happy I had got my shoes before you got us put out of the store,” Tiana complained once we were in the car.
“I didn’t get us put out, that bitch slapped me in my face,” I replied. I pulled out my phone to call Candace and tell her what happened.
“Hey cousin, what’s up?” She asked sounding chipper. I have her on speaker phone so Tiana could hear what we’ were saying.
“Girl, I just had a fight with Tiffany’s ugly ass.”
“A fight! What the fuck happened?” Candace yelled. I hear Co-Co yelling in the background trying to see what’s going on, but I can’t make out exactly what he’s saying.
“That bitch was in Saks with Kennedi and she slapped me in my face. My damn face is still stinging.”
“Oh hell no, Co-Co come listen to this shit,” Candace said to her brother. She started telling him what happened, and all hell broke loose after that. He was turned up to the max, and that got my brothers started. I didn’t even know they were there. They all instructed me to come to the shop to talk to them face to face. I was kind of nervous about seeing them, but I did as I was told.
“Girl, wait until Dominic finds out what happened. He’s going to be pissed,” Tiana said.
“I know, I’m about to call and tell him myself. I don’t want them hoes to tell their side of the story because it’s gon’ be a lie.”
“What’s up boo?” He asked when he answered the phone.
“Nothing, but I just had a fight with your fiancé’s cousin,” I confessed. I held my breath and waited for him to go off. I didn’t feel like hearing his mouth, but that’s unavoidable at this point. He’s not going to care who started the fight. The problem is me fighting while carrying his child period.
“What! Why the hell are you out there fighting while you’re pregnant Brooklyn?” He yelled.
“Pregnant or not, I wasn’t running from her ass. That bitch slapped me,” I replied angrily.
“She slapped you, huh? I can’t wait to see her ass. Let me call you right back,” he fumed. I hung up with him right as we pulled up to Bryce’s shop. I know he’s probably about to call Kennedi and go off about Tiffany. This night is getting more interesting by the minute.
“So that bitch slapped you when you were about to leave?” Bryce shouted angrily to Brooklyn. She and Tiana had just walked into the shop and were telling us what happened. I’m happy that all of the customers are gone because we’re acting a fool in here. All four of her brothers are here, and pissed is an understatement compared to how they’re feeling.
“Yeah, her and Tiana were arguing, and I saw the cashier calling security. I grabbed Tiana to leave, and she just walked up and slapped me,” Brooklyn replied.
“Don’t worry about it Bryce. I got something for that bitch. I’ve been waiting to get at her and her fake ass cousin,” I yelled. Tiffany doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to be waiting for her bright and early Monday morning when she shows up for work. She fucked with the wrong one when she put her hands on my little cousin. The fact that she did it while she’s pregnant only makes it worse.
“You alright though, Baby?” Bryce asked his sister.
“Yeah, I’m good. She’s the one that’s fucked up, not me,” Brooklyn said laughing.
Jaden walked up to his little sister and pulled her in for a hug. They were finally coming to terms with the fact that she’s going to be a mother. Co-Co, Tiana, and I excused ourselves and went to the break room in the back of the shop while Brooklyn and her brothers sat down and had a much needed talk. Our family is very close, so it’s bothering them that they aren’t on speaking terms with their baby sister. It’s crazy how they forgave Dominic, but was still mad with her. In their minds, she’s more at fault because she knew that he had a fiancé.
“I’m so happy that they’re getting things back on track. It doesn’t make sense for them to keep being mad at her. Nothing is going to change about her being pregnant,” Co-Co said.
“I know, I still haven’t told Nadia about it yet. I know she’s going to be mad, but oh well,” I said.
“Fuck Nadia, she can’t get mad. It’s not like her and Brooklyn are friends.”
Even though what my brother said was true, it still seemed kind of fishy that my cousin is pregnant by her ex. Since tomorrow is Sunday, and I’m off, I plan to get together with my best friend and tell her what’s going on. It’s best if it comes from me rather than someone else.
After sitting around the shop for another hour, we all left with the exception of Bryce. He usually had late night hours and didn’t leave the shop until after two in the morning. Of course, Co-Co and I are planning to hit up the club like we do every Saturday night. As soon as I pulled up to my house, my phone rang displaying Nadia’s phone number.
“What’s up chick?” I said when I answered the phone.
“Nothing, I’m just calling to see if y’all are going out somewhere. I don’t feel like staying in here by myself tonight.”
“You already know we’re hitting up somebody’s club tonight. You can roll with us if you want to.”
“Yeah, I am. I’m coming over there to get dressed if that’s cool with you,” she said.
“Alright, I’m at home so come whenever you get ready,” I said before hanging up.
Her coming to my house was perfect. I could talk to her tonight instead of waiting to do it tomorrow. When I got inside, I went straight to the shower while Co-Co set up his curling irons to do my hair. I had a fresh quick weave and I wanted some bouncy curls in my light auburn colored hair.
“Must be Nadia,” I told my brother as he finished curling the last piece of my hair. Someone was ringing our doorbell, and she’s the only person that I’m expecting.
“Well, I’m going to take my shower and get ready,” he announced, retreating to the bathroom.
“Hey girl,” Nadia said when I opened the door for her.
She had her hair
tied up with a duffel bag in her hand. Her makeup was already done so she just needed to get dressed. She walked down the hall to my room and took a seat on my neatly made king sized bed.
“Nadia, I need to talk to you about something right quick,” I said taking a seat at my vanity mirror.
“Ok, what’s up?”
“I want you to hear this from me before somebody else tries to be messy and tell you.”
“I’m listening,” she said looking at me.
“Brooklyn is pregnant by Dominic,” I said looking at her for her reaction.
“Wait, when did they start messing around? I mean, he’s still with Kennedi right?”
“Yeah, he’s still with her. I don’t know exactly when he and Brooklyn started messing around. By the time, we found out she was already pregnant. I just wanted you to know so it wouldn’t come as a surprise to you when you found out.”
“Wow, I mean, I really don’t know what to say. I feel like Brooklyn, and I are family so this kind of hits close to home,” she said sadly.
“I know and I’m sorry about all of this. None of us even knew they were messing around until she popped up pregnant. I was taking her to get an abortion, but Dominic asked her to have it,” I said honestly. I didn’t want to tell her that we walked in on them having sex. Hearing this had to be hard enough.
“Of course, he does. You know how bad he wants a baby. I know we’re not together anymore, but I’m tired of always being hurt by his actions. It’s like I can’t catch a break with him.”
“I understand,” I nodded compassionately.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t even feel like going out anymore. I’m going back home, I’ll call you tomorrow,” she replied grabbing her bag from the floor. I felt so bad that my friend was always getting the short end of the stick, but all of this was beyond my control. I walked her to the door and went back to my room and finished getting dressed to go out.
Bright and early Monday morning Co-Co and I were waiting outside of Tiffany and Kennedi’s job. The sign on the door said they opened at nine, and it was already eight thirty. I had my hair pulled up in a ponytail that I tied in a knot in the back. My Nikes are doubled tied, and my sweat pants hung loosely around my waist. Co-Co is dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt too just in case somebody wants in on a piece of the action. Tiffany is my main target, but Kennedi can get it too. I borrowed my daddy’s all black Nissan Altima since they knew what kind of car my brother and I drove. He rarely drove this car because the windows are too heavily tinted for him.
“Somebody’s pulling up now,” Co-Co said when he saw a silver Mercedes truck pull up in the parking lot. We watched as Kennedi’s prune-faced mama sashayed out of the truck and opened the front door. A few minutes later, I spotted Tiffany’s car pulling up, but she didn’t get out immediately.
“What is that bitch in there doing?” I asked no one, in particular. She’s just sitting behind the wheel playing on her phone. My adrenaline is pumping, and I’m ready to put in some work.
“There go that bitch Kennedi,” Co-Co said excitedly. As soon as she pulled into her assigned parking spot, I noticed Tiffany starting to get out of her car. When Kennedi exited her car, my brother and I jumped out of ours and walked over to them.
“What’s up Tiffany?” I asked when we got in front of her.
“What you mean what’s up?” She said turning her nose up at us. I immediately noticed the faint dark mark under her eye, and I was pretty sure it was a result of her fight with Brooklyn.
“So even though you know my little cousin is pregnant, you still put your hands on her, huh?”
“I didn’t touch her, that bitch hit me first,” she said indignantly. Not only is she lying, but the bitch is getting loud with me.
“Alright and I’m done talking,” I said and I punched her in her face. She dropped her purse and started swinging back, but she was wasting her time. She had on a tight-fitting pencil skirt and a pair of six inch stilettos so she was on the ground in no time. I jumped on top of her and chastised her like she was my child. She was trying hard to block her face, but I made it hard for her to do so.
“Bitch if you want your sew in to stay sewed in, you better back the fuck up,” Co-Co yelled when he saw Kennedi coming towards us. She didn’t have to think twice because she backed up just as soon as the words left his mouth.
“I’m calling the police,” Kennedi yelled as she pulled her phone from her purse. Co-Co snatched it out of her hands and dropped it on the ground. Before she could bend down to pick it up, he lifted his feet and crushed it with his size ten Nikes.
“What the hell is going on out here?” Kennedi’s mother yelled when she walked out of the office.
“Mama, call the police. They’re attacking me and Tiffany,” Kennedi yelled even though nobody had even touched her.
“Leave her alone and get the hell away from my place of business before I call the police,” Kennedi’s mother roared.
“Candace leave these scary hoes alone before we go to jail out here. I want one of you tired, busted bitches to put your hands on my little cousin again. I promise you I won’t be this nice next time around,” Co-Co said. I stopped beating Tiffany’s ass and followed my brother to the car. Kennedi and her mother rushed over to help her as we peeled out of the parking lot.
“I think they got the picture, but I don’t mind coming back to remind them if they didn’t,” my brother said.
“Let me call Bryce and let him know that the mission has been accomplished,” I said pulling out my phone. He wanted to get at Tiffany himself, but I was happy to do it for him. He’s the only reason why I never beat her ass in the beginning, but since they’re no longer together, there was nothing holding me back from tagging that ass. I felt good getting her ass whooping out of the way. I will feel even better once I’m able to do the same thing to Kennedi.
Things are finally looking up for me and my family. Taylor and I only had one more month to go before we would be moving into our new apartment. They actually finished a little earlier than they thought they would. We have most of our things packed, but we still have a lot more to go. We were all getting new bedroom sets, so we didn’t have much furniture to move. I refused to sleep in a bed that she had Larry’s punk ass in. Taylor talked me into buying her a new living room set, and that would be delivered as well.
I was happy as hell when Larry called her phone, and I got to tell him that it was a wrap between him and my girl. He was pissed, but I told him that he could come and see me whenever he wanted to. I was more than ready to knock his ass out. I was also happy that my brothers and I made up with Baby. We were hurt by her being pregnant, but she’s still our baby. We just have to live with the fact that our baby is having a baby. We even had a talk with Dominic about everything. He assured us that he’s going to be there for Brooklyn and the baby, and I don’t doubt him one bit. As long as he doesn’t try to play my little sister it’s all good. We were taking all of our anger out on him, and it really wasn’t fair. Brooklyn took an equal part in the issue as well. My brothers and I really like Dominic and David, and we didn’t want this to affect the friendship that we’d built with them. Once it was all said and done, we ended up going out to shoot pool and have drinks. I also felt better knowing that he was the first and the only person that Brooklyn had ever had sex with. For some reason, I always thought Kevin would be the one to take her virginity. I guess he really is just her friend just like she’s been saying all along. We didn’t want our sister to be Dominic’s side chick, but she knew what she was getting into before she did it. She’s in love, and there is nothing we can say to change her mind at this point. That still doesn’t mean we’re alright with it.
“Daddy it’s boring in here,” my daughters complained. I’m lying on the sofa watching a basketball game, and they just wouldn’t let me be. Taylor is at work, but I didn’t have to be at my shop until later on that night. I worked by appointments only, so
I left the walk in customers to my other tattoo artists.
“What do y’all want to do?” I asked even though I was dreading the answer. They always had some crazy ass off the wall ideas. I just wanted to chill until it was time for me to go to work, but they’re not having it.
“Let’s go to the park or something,” Breanna said dramatically. She’s a character in every sense of the word. Before I could respond to her, my phone started ringing. By the ringtone, I knew it was Taylor calling me.
“What’s up ma?” I said when I picked up the phone.
“Bryce where are you?” She frantically yelled into the phone.
“I’m at home. Why, what’s wrong?”
“You need to come and get me. Somebody fucked up my car,” she cried into the phone.
“What! Who the fuck messed with your car Taylor?” I yelled as I jumped up from the sofa.
“I don’t know. Nobody was out here when it happened. I was about to go and get some more supplies, but I can’t even move my damn car now. I know it’s probably that bitch Tiffany who did it.”
Candace had already beaten Tiffany’s ass, but it seemed like she still hadn’t learned her lesson. Now the bitch was messing with my girl.
“Don’t they have cameras outside of the building?” I asked her.
“Yeah, I forgot all about that.”
“Well, I’m on my way, but you need to tell James to pull the tape and see if they caught anything.” James is the barber who owns the shop that Taylor works in. He doesn’t do drama, so I know he has to be pissed off right now.
“Okay, I’m going to ask him now,” Taylor said.
“And stay inside until I get there,” I said before hanging up.
“Where are we going daddy?” Bailey yelled excitedly.
“We’re going to pick up your mama,” I said grabbing my keys from the kitchen counter.
I sped all the way to the salon with my daughters talking a hole in my head from the back seat. I saw Taylor standing outside with a few other people when I pulled into the parking lot. I took my daughters out of the car and sat them in the salon’s lobby before I went to talk to Taylor. When I walked over and saw the damage to her car, the side of my head started throbbing. All of her windows were broken out, and all four of her tires were flat. Somebody also spray painted the word “WHORE” on her hood and scratched it up on both sides. Getting another car isn’t an issue. I’m just mad that somebody decided to ruin the one she had.