A Trillion to One Page 7
“Condoms,” Amore panted as she pointed to the brand new box that she’d dropped to the floor.
“Be patient baby. We got all night for that,” Gene said as he came up out of his shirt. He pushed Amore’s head down further and put a perfect arch in her back. He gave her ass a hard smack before he kneeled down behind her and starting licking her from behind.
“Oh shit!” Amore yelled out as his long tongue went up and down her opening. She felt wide open and exposed as Gene used his tongue to explore everything from her clit to the crack of her ass. Amore felt her eyes rolling up to the heavens and her legs started doing a little shake. The cool air made her nipples harden as Gene tried to eat her from the outside in. He kept slapping her ass and that only heightened the sensation. He was begging Amore to cum in his mouth and, after a while, that’s exactly what she did. She thought he was done with her but he was just getting started. Gene plunged two of his fingers inside of her as he sucked her clit up into his mouth like it was hard candy. Amore was dizzy with pleasure but she wasn’t complaining. After not being touched by a man in so long, Gene was not disappointing. Amore was ready to fall over and she was thankful that he was holding her up.
“Don’t try to tap out on me now,” Gene said as he finally came up for air. Amore’s legs felt weak, so she turned around and took a seat in the chair. She licked her lips and watched as Gene kicked off his shoes and took off his pants. His oral skills were bomb as fuck but so were hers. Amore loved to give oral just as much as she loved receiving it. She was ready to return the favor and show him just how she got down. When someone started banging on the door, that kind of killed the mood and had her curious at the same time. Gene wasn’t her man, but she didn’t want to be put in the middle of his bullshit.
“Expecting company?” Amore asked.
“Uh, nah, I’m not expecting nobody,” Gene said, sounding like he was nervous all of a sudden.
“Are you sure you don’t need to get that?” Amore asked as the knocking got louder and more aggressive.
“Yeah, I might need to see who that is,” he replied while putting his shirt and pants back on. Amore stood up, preparing to go get dressed when a woman started yelling on the other side of the door.
“Eugene, open this muthafucking door right now! I already know you got a bitch in there and I’m fucking both of y’all up!” the woman yelled and threatened.
“Wow,” Amore chuckled sarcastically as she made her way to the bathroom to put her clothes back on. It was clear that she wasn’t getting the dick, so there was no need for her to hang around. She sent Chanell a text to pick her up, along with her location. Her cousin assured her that she was on her way and Amore wanted to be outside waiting on her. Once she was dressed, Amore walked back into the living room and prepared to leave.
“Aye, I need you to do me a big favor,” Gene said as he looked at her like he was unsure of something.
“What’s up?” Amore asked.
“You know I got a girl, right?” Gene questioned.
“No, I didn’t know that and I really don’t care. A few minutes ago, neither did you.” Amore shrugged.
“Man, that girl is crazy and I don’t need this drama right now. She doesn’t live here and she was supposed to be at work until morning,” Gene said as his girl continued to scream and bang on the door.
“Okay, and?” Amore asked, wanting him to get to the point.
“I need you to hide in the closet right fast. Just until I get rid of her. She be on that fighting shit and I don’t want to put you through that,” Gene replied. It wasn’t the first time he got caught with another woman in his house and he already knew what the outcome would be.
“Fuck no and fuck you. That bitch can fight all she wants to but she better swing on the right person. I wish I would hide from anybody,” Amore replied as she walked to the front door.
“Hold up Amore. Look, there’s a fire exit on the balcony. You can take the back stairs to the first floor. I’m just trying to make this shit easy on everybody,” Gene pleaded.
“No, you’re trying to make it easy on yourself. My ride is on the way and I’m leaving out the same way I came in,” Amore replied.
“Man, fuck! Just don’t say shit to her,” Gene said.
“I’m giving her the same energy that she gives me. The way I act all depends on her. Open the door and let me out of here,” Amore demanded.
She’d wasted enough time on a nigga who she wasn’t even fucking. Now it made sense why she had that all too familiar eerie feeling come over her. When Gene opened the door, his girlfriend came rushing in there like somebody was chasing her. She was a pretty girl but that didn’t stop her nigga from cheating on her.
“I knew it! My sister had your dog ass right! Who the fuck are you?” she yelled while looking at Amore.
“Chill out Brittani,” Gene said as he stood in between her and Amore.
“Don’t tell me to chill out. What the fuck is that bitch doing in our house?” Brittani yelled. She didn’t actually live there but she did sleep there some nights. She was the one who made it possible for his dog ass to even get an apartment. His criminal record was too long for him to do it on his own. He was always saying that he wasn’t ready for them to live together and she already knew why.
“The nigga just told me that you didn’t live here. Trust me, had I known, I would have never stepped foot in your house,” Amore assured her.
She had only gone as far as the living room and bathroom, so she didn’t see anything that belonged to a female. Gene had the bedroom doors closed and that was probably why. Niggas weren’t shit and that’s exactly why Amore didn’t want one. Viper used to lie to women about the status of their relationship all the time so that was nothing new to Amore.
“So, I don’t live here Gene? Huh? That’s what you’re telling these hoes now? Nigga, this is my shit and your name ain’t even on the lease,” Brittani ranted as she pushed her sad ass man.
“Chill out girl!” Gene yelled while pushing her back. Amore was quietly making her way out of the house and praying that Chanell was outside waiting on her.
“No bitch! Don’t try to run now!” Britanni yelled as she pulled Amore’s purse strap and almost made her fall. Amore wasn’t in the mood for the games and she refused to even entertain it. She turned around and hit Brittani one time, knocking her out cold.
“The fuck!” Gene yelled in shock as he looked over at Amore. She was standing there in her fitted dress and heels, looking like a runway model. If he hadn’t seen it for himself, he wouldn’t have believed that somebody as beautiful as she was could have done such a thing. Brittani was on the floor napping and Amore didn’t even break a sweat.
“Teach your bitch to keep her hands to herself, especially if you’re gonna cheat on her,” Amore said as she stepped over Gene’s girlfriend and walked out of the apartment.
She walked down the stairs and out the front door, right as Chanell was pulling up. Amore was hoping that AJ was with her so that she could have told him about his friend.
“What the hell happened? We were just pulling up at home when you called. I didn’t even have a chance to go inside and change,” Chanell said, right before she pulled off. She laughed the entire time as Amore ran the story down to her. Chanell didn’t know much about Gene but she knew that he was a dog. She told that to Amore but her cousin didn’t care. Amore wasn’t looking for a commitment and that much was clear.
“Yeah, welcome home to me bitch,” Amore huffed as her cousin continued to laugh. She didn’t get the dick but Gene did give her a few orgasms to take the edge off. Unfortunately, that wasn’t good enough and she needed more. Amore had to go back on the hunt and, hopefully, her next time would be better.
“C an I get anything else for you?” Amore asked as she smiled at her customer.
“No, thank you. I’m ready for the bill now,” the woman replied.
Her job at Saltgrass Steak House wasn’t the best but the tips were lovely. Amore
stayed on her feet for hours every day and she was dog tired when she got home every night. Still, it beat stealing food, going hungry or depending on a man to get what she needed. Her savings wasn’t huge but it was enough to keep her afloat for a while. She had been home for a month and she was now first on the list to get her apartment. The girl who was on the list before her got locked up again and that moved Amore up. She already had a living and bedroom set on layaway and she made sure to pay on it every week. According to Stacy, she should have the keys to her place within the next week or two, and Amore couldn’t wait. She had never lived alone and she looked forward to it.
“Thank you. Y’all have a good day.” Amore smiled when the woman handed her a twenty dollar tip. That gave a total of two hundred dollars in tips and she had only been there for four hours with three to go. Amore was going to put some more money on her furniture and treat herself to a trip at the nail salon.
“You can take a break if you want to Amore,” her supervisor, Lisa, said when she walked up to her.
“Thanks Lisa, but I’m good. I’m trying to get these tips,” Amore replied, right as a large group of people walked in.
“I wish I had ten more of you. That would make my job so much easier,” Lisa said before walking away.
Amore put a bright smile on her face and hurriedly went to go greet their new guests. The hostess walked them to their table and she began taking drink orders soon after. It took about thirty minutes but Amore had everyone’s food on the table and she was busy refilling drinks. Once she made sure they were straight, Amore decided to take Lisa up on her offer. She needed a small break, just to rest her feet for a while. As she walked towards the back of the restaurant, Amore had to do a double take when she saw her cousin, Meadow, sitting at the table with three other women. Meadow looked great and Amore could tell that life had been good to her over the years. Amore was happy to see her, but her focus wasn’t really on her cousin at the time. She was shocked to see Ciara sitting at the table with her. Amore didn’t have no hard feelings towards her former friend but she would never fuck with her again. Viper wasn’t even worth her beefing with nobody over.
“What’s up cousin?” Amore asked as she walked over to the table. All four of the women looked up from the menu and right at her.
“Hey,” Meadow spoke like it pained her to do so.
“Amore! Hey girl. Oh, my God! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you,” Ciara said excitedly as she jumped up to hug her. The look on Amore’s face had her taking a step back before she even had a chance to. No, Amore wasn’t going to beef with her but she wasn’t going to be fake either. Ciara wasn’t her friend and she never was. Her actions proved that.
“What’s been up with you, Meadow?” Amore asked while completely ignoring Ciara.
“I’ve been fine. Are you here to take our orders?” Meadow asked in irritation.
“I’m not your server,” Amore replied.
“Wow. I guess I’m just a nobody,” Ciara said as she took her seat.
“Yeah, I guess you are.” Amore shrugged as she looked over at her. Not much about her had changed except the labels that she was draped in. The Fendi purse and slides that her former friend had on let her know that things were looking up for her. Ciara used to always throw shade about how much money she spent but she obviously didn’t see it as a problem anymore.
“I hope this new attitude of yours doesn’t have anything to do with Viper. He was everybody’s man, sis. You knew that just as well as I did,” Ciara smirked, shaking Amore from her daydream.
Viper was that nigga when he was home and he spoiled Amore with anything that she wanted. They fought like cats and dogs but that was a small price to pay for how he had her living. Ciara was tired of struggling and barely getting by with Logan. When she approached Viper about sex, she thought that he was going to turn her down because she was Amore’s friend. When he didn’t, she wasted no time dropping her thong and letting him hit it right there in her living room. She could use all the financial help she could get at time. Unfortunately, Viper didn’t give her any. Ciara wanted to end things with him a month after it started but the sex was too good and she caught feelings. It drove her crazy to see how he dropped thousands of dollars in the mall on Amore. The only thing he ever dropped on her was some dick.
Logan was hurt when he found out but he wanted to work things out. He loved Ciara and he didn’t want it to be over. That all changed when he followed her to the jailhouse one day and saw that she went to visit Viper. Ciara didn’t even care when he left her. She was paying most of the bills on her own anyway and he wasn’t going to be missed. Viper swore that he would take care of her when he got out and she believed him. After all, she’d seen firsthand how he took care of Amore. Ciara ended up starting a consignment shop online a few months ago, which was how she met Meadow. She had no idea that she and Amore were cousins though. They didn’t act anything alike. Amore was hood as fuck and Meadow was the total opposite.
“You don’t want these problems Ciara so stop acting like you do. I’m the same bitch who used to pull bitches off of you. Jog your memory hoe,” Amore warned, pulling Ciara away from her thoughts.
Ciara turned her head in the other direction, trying not to make eye contact with her. Amore used to go toe to toe with Viper like she was a nigga and Ciara wanted no parts of it. Amore was right and she had come to Ciara’s rescue more times than she cared to admit.
“Can you go find our server?” Meadow asked as she looked at her cousin impatiently.
“Damn cuz. You sure came a long way from pickpocketing in the Quarters and sucking dick for food. I was the same bitch who was by your side getting it out the mud with you. No need to act brand new with me. It’s all good though boo. Enjoy your meal,” Amore said as she walked away and headed to the bathroom.
Chanell was right and Meadow was not the same person that she was when they were younger. She used to be fun to hang around and she always looked out for them. Meadow did a lot of things that she wasn’t proud of, but she felt obligated to take care of them since she was the oldest. Now, she looked at Amore like they weren’t even first cousins. It almost looked as if she was embarrassed by that fact more than anything. It was cool and Amore was done saying anything to her.
Once she finished relieving her bladder, Amore exited the stall, preparing to wash her hands. What she wasn’t prepared for was seeing Meadow standing near the sink waiting for her.
“Look, I apologize for how I acted just now but I need you to understand a few things Amore. I’m not the same girl that used to steal and perform sexual acts for money. It took me a while but I finally got my shit together. I’m a respectable business owner now and that’s the only side of me that I want people to know about. I don’t like to think about my past and I damn sure don’t want to discuss it. Unlike you and my sisters, I can’t do the jail thing,” Meadow replied.
“The fuck makes you think that jail was the route that we wanted to take. We were young and trying to play the cards that we were dealt. I’m happy for all that you’ve accomplished Meadow, I really am. But, changing your circumstances doesn’t mean that you have to change who you are,” Amore pointed out.
“Well, I disagree. Reinventing myself was the best thing that I could have ever done. Nobody needs to know that my mama is a crackhead and my sisters went to jail for fraud. I’m sorry that you and my sisters don’t agree but that’s just the way it is.” Meadow shrugged.
She hated the life that she used to live and she swore that she would die before she ever lived that way again. Every time she laid down with a man for money, she lost a little bit of her dignity. She hated to leave her sisters and cousins behind but, in the end, it proved to be the best decision that she’d ever made.
Meadow had met an older, established man when she went out with her friends one night. They talked for hours and eventually exchanged numbers before he left. It turned out that he was from Atlanta and he offered to fly Meadow out there to visit.
One visit was all it took and Meadow never returned. He took very good care of her, but she lost interest after a while. Meadow ended up leaving him for a younger man who was heavily involved in the dope game. She didn’t want for anything when she was with him and he was the one who gave her the startup money for her boutique. The plan was for her to open the store in Atlanta until her boo went to jail. Instead of going through with her original plans, Meadow decided to head back to New Orleans and opened up shop there. She was doing good for herself and she refused to let her ratchet ass family ruin her progress.
“We were too close for that but it’s all good. And a word of advice, you might want to make your circle just a little bit smaller. Ciara is nobody that you should call a friend,” Amore said as she walked off and went to the break room. She was happy that no one else was in there because she wanted to call Chanell to tell her what just happened. As soon as she pulled her phone from her pocket, it rang, displaying Stacy’s number.
“Hey boo,” Stacy said in her usual upbeat tone.
“Hey Stacy. What’s up?” Amore asked.
“Did I catch you at a bad time?” Stacy questioned.
“No, I’m on break,” Amore replied.
“Well girl, I surely do hope that you’re free this weekend,” Stacy said.
“I can be, depending on the reason,” Amore replied.
“My nephew is hosting a party Saturday night at Masquerade,” Stacy said.
“What is that?” Amore asked.
“It’s a club inside of Harrah’s Casino,” Stacy replied.
“Okay. What’s the attire? I need to make sure I have something decent to wear,” Amore said. She knew without a doubt that Chanell would get her right, so she wasn’t too worried about that.
“It’s inside of a casino girl. You don’t have to be too fancy for that. Besides, you look cute in anything that you put on,” Stacy pointed out.